Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 2: Here we go

Let's first start with a little back story:

Beginning last November, I decided to take control of my health and join a gym. I began with all of the "typical" cardio-filled workouts that left a lot to be desired. I was strict with my calories, using "Lose It!" to track what calories I was putting into my body. Everything was going great because I was losing weight and felt "in control" of my health. However, upon further research and overall fatigue, I quickly discovered that to attain my goal weight, I was essentially starving myself. So, I stopped with the calorie counting and began doing CrossFit workouts (mainly functional movements and some adaptations) and eating more Paleo. I got down to a size 4 and 132 lbs (coming from a size 10 and 150+ lbs). I was on top of the world, and people were noticing the change! It felt incredible to finally feel fit, although it was hard to really picture myself at that weight/size. Now I somewhat know what it's like to have body dysmorphia (sp?) issues... In the smallest sense. I was now a size "small", yet I still saw myself as the old me.

Fast forward to now:

Sadly, over the course of the summer, which included too much SAD (standard American diet) binge eating and alcohol consumption, I am back to where I was. Even with continuing to work out 5-6 days a week, the food/drinking completely overtook my body. The clothes that once fit beautifully are now too tight or don't fit at all. On one hand, it's incredibly depressing to know I let myself get back to "this" after all of my hard work. On the other hand, I did it before, so I can certainly do it again. This time, however, I am committed to doing it right. I am not locked down to a certain weight (although I would like to lose 15-20 lbs. in a little over 60 days) because my main concern is how I feel and how my clothes fit. I want to decrease my body fat % and increase my muscle. I want to get quicker at my CrossFit WODs and continue to grow as an athlete and person. 

Day 1 went pretty well. But the 1st day always seems to be a breeze. I am trying to cut nuts out of my diet as they are too addicting and the Omega 6's (if that's what they're called) cause me to swell. I found my pistachios last night and had some of the those, but the effort it took to de-shell each nut slowed down how much of them I ate. I am on the fence as to whether or not I should get rid of those too... 

So, here's to Day 2. I am bound to have some struggles, but with the support of my friends and my personal commitment to get in shape (again), I know I can do this.

Thanks for reading. 

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