Today's Workout:
* Run 1 mile (8:10 -- a new PR!)
"Fran" (ugh!)
21-15-9 of:
- Thrusters (55 lb. i.e. the most I've ever done)
- Assisted Pull-Ups (40 lb. assist)
TIME = 11:38. Terrible, and I cried half way through it. Today sucked... Oh, but wait, there's more!
* 25 Russian Twists on incline bench (10 lb. ball)
* 25 weighted sit-ups on incline bench (10 lb. ball)
* 25 sit-ups
* 236 jumprope
* 10 push-ups
* 8 rounds tabata on treadmill
- 30 on/30 off at 6 mph and incline of 10) <---- ROUGH!
To update on yesterday, I ate the heck out of my sunbutter and it is now gone. I took a nap in the middle of the evening, and therefore could not go to bed at a decent time, and I woke up crabby. Happy Thursday :) In the midst of not sleeping, I watched some CrossFit youtube videos and found one about a girl who used to be overweight and smoked. I thought she was quite inspirational, and what stuck out the most was how she talked about food. "Food is fuel". Too often I forget that concept and instead eat food as comfort or some other adjective. She also talked about really thinking about how food affects our bodies. What looks good and tastes incredible now may mean trouble in the next 2 hours or 2 days. I need to remember to be in tune with my body and what it's telling me!
Today I feel exhausted and inadequate. That last part sounds terrible, but it's true. I've put on the "fake it til' you make it" hat everyday at work, and I'm just tired of not feeling capable of doing my job well. I hate feeling ill prepared or not mentally available for my TAs and students. I know it will get better, but I would really love for my to do list to just be clear for once. At least the one that's related to school. I hope this attitude changes because it sucks.
Today's Planned Meals (some already consumed haha):
Breakfast: Carnitas (1 oz. meat) Omelette (2 eggs + some egg white), zucchini, handful grapes, 1/2 banana and 4 oz. coconut water (recovery), coffee w/ coconut milk
Lunch: 3 oz. carnitas meat, 1/3 c. guacamole w/ 5 jicama slices, 1/2 banana, slice of chocolate zucchini bread, and chocolate avocado pudding. Holy moly, that pudding is THE BOMB!! Obviously I wasn't really observing my "food is fuel" mantra at lunch...
Snack: ???
Dinner: 3 oz. chicken thigh, 3/4 c. spaghetti squash, ???
Snack (Dessert): MORE PUDDING!
Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.
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