Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 8: Charlie Horse and Labor Day

Today's Workout:
This isn't set in stone, but I'm thinking (thanks to Crossfit 405):
3 rounds for time:
* 20 push-press
* 20 hand release pushups
* 20 pull-ups

Well, I found some pecans. That was bad news. After like 5 handfuls, they are now in the trash. I wish I didn't get crazy with good tasting things that I can have in moderation. Also, I went out last night, and I shouldn't have done that either. It's hard living alone, because it's either sit on my butt and hang out with my dogs, and go out and be social (and usually drink) with friends. Pretty sure the drinking is doing nothing for this "Operation: Halloween" journey. Especially when I come home and eat the house again... Ugh. I'm not going to put what I ate this time, because frankly I don't have to, but I wrote it all down in my food journal, so it's still haunting me. That was quite the sentence. Also, I think I need to cool it on the alcohol consumption because I've been waking up with charlie horses in my calves in the middle of the night. I think the combination of lack of post work out stretching and lack of water when drinking causes that. They hurt so bad!

Today's Planned Meals:
Nothing is really planned, as today is a holiday, and honestly I just haven't really thought about it. I think I should plan this week's meals so I'm setting myself up for success...

Well, that's all for this boring post. Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.

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