Today's Workout:
* 5 min. stairclimber (levels 16,18,20)
* 15 min. EMOM of:
- 10 frog thrusters
- 10 hand release push ups
- 10 wall balls (10 lb.)
* 25 sit-ups
* 1 min. Russian Bicycle (Russian Twist position but pedaling)
...THAT'S IT! It was such a "nice" workout today. I don't even think I broke out in a serious sweat.
Yesterday started off pretty crappy with the hellacious workout and just off morning, but the afternoon and evening were really stellar. I worked in my classroom until about 5:45 and got A LOT accomplished. And then I checked my phone and had a message from my BFF Lauren telling me my missing shoe has been found! I thought I lost it back in July while out drinking with her and some friends, but what happened was it got lost under the bed of the family she for which she was housesitting! The lady of the house called Lauren and told her they found it! Hooray for my Snow Leopard TOMS Wedges -- they live again!
Also yesterday, I had 2 helpings of that phenomenal avocado pudding and ate the rest of the chocolate zucchini bread. Both were so delicious, and I'm sure they're supposed to be foods consumed in moderation. Well, I don't understand that word, so I just had to finish everything! Anyway, the bread was delicious, but next time I'm going to make it for a group of people rather than just me. Otherwise, that baby will be gone in 5 days or less :)
Today's Planned Meals:
Breakfast: Protein shake (1 scoop protein, 1/2 c. frozen berries, 4 oz. coconut water, 1/2 banana), 3/4 c. veggie blend, 2-3 pieces bacon (from JOHNNIES!), and coffee w/ coconut milk
Lunch (unless I go out to eat): 2.6 oz. tuna, 1 orange, cucumbers & grape tomatoes
Snack: 1/2 banana, turkey lunch meat
Dinner: Either tilapia OR carnitas meat, 1 c. veggies, guacamole, jicama slices
I am so happy it's Friday! Just like the title of the post says (thanks Priscilla Ahn!), it's gonna be a good day! Oh, and my goal this weekend is to NOT go out. This will be the first time in a long time I have not gone out on a weekend, but I really want to start making this a habit again. I hope this goal is attainable :)
That's all for today. Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.
P.S. I MOVE NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!
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