Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 14: Gotta Find that Groove

Today's workout:
*Rest Day -- I moved some things into the new house, so I did some heavy lifting...

Like yesterday, I don't have much to say about today. Blogging has been kind of hard this weekend. I think the fact that I'm disappointed in myself because I can't find the groove I used to be so good at (regarding eating well and feeling AWESOME about my body) is really messing with my head. I have to learn to be patient because just like last time, change takes time. Hoping I can make this a good week :)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 13 -- Not my best...

Today's Work-Out:
* Rest day

I don't really have much to say in this post. I have eaten like total crap today... I went up to school to get some work done and ate so much kid snacks it's not even funny. I feel like poo now, and of course I'm regretting everything I ate. Sometimes I don't think my goal of getting back into the shape I was is attainable. I don't even know why I'm so down, because on the flip side I am so ecstatic because I CAN MOVE WHENEVER I WANT TO! I do think the stress of moving and work are wearing on my diet... I can do this. My health is important.

Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 12 -- "I Can Tell it's Gonna be a Good Day"

Today's Workout:
* 5 min. stairclimber (levels 16,18,20)

* 15 min. EMOM of:
     - 10 frog thrusters
     - 10 hand release push ups
     - 10 wall balls (10 lb.)

* 25 sit-ups
* 1 min. Russian Bicycle (Russian Twist position but pedaling)

...THAT'S IT! It was such a "nice" workout today. I don't even think I broke out in a serious sweat.

Yesterday started off pretty crappy with the hellacious workout and just off morning, but the afternoon and evening were really stellar. I worked in my classroom until about 5:45 and got A LOT accomplished. And then I checked my phone and had a message from my BFF Lauren telling me my missing shoe has been found! I thought I lost it back in July while out drinking with her and some friends, but what happened was it got lost under the bed of the family she for which she was housesitting! The lady of the house called Lauren and told her they found it!  Hooray for my Snow Leopard TOMS Wedges -- they live again!

Also yesterday, I had 2 helpings of that phenomenal avocado pudding and ate the rest of the chocolate zucchini bread. Both were so delicious, and I'm sure they're supposed to be foods consumed in moderation. Well, I don't understand that word, so I just had to finish everything! Anyway, the bread was delicious, but next time I'm going to make it for a group of people rather than just me. Otherwise, that baby will be gone in 5 days or less :)

Today's Planned Meals:
Breakfast: Protein shake (1 scoop protein, 1/2 c. frozen berries, 4 oz. coconut water, 1/2 banana), 3/4 c. veggie blend, 2-3 pieces bacon (from JOHNNIES!), and coffee w/ coconut milk
Lunch (unless I go out to eat): 2.6 oz. tuna, 1 orange, cucumbers & grape tomatoes
Snack: 1/2 banana, turkey lunch meat
Dinner: Either tilapia OR carnitas meat, 1 c. veggies, guacamole, jicama slices

I am so happy it's Friday! Just like the title of the post says (thanks Priscilla Ahn!), it's gonna be a good day! Oh, and my goal this weekend is to NOT go out. This will be the first time in a long time I have not gone out on a weekend, but I really want to start making this a habit again. I hope this goal is attainable :)

That's all for today. Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.

P.S. I MOVE NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 11: "Food is Fuel"

Today's Workout:
* Run 1 mile (8:10 -- a new PR!)

"Fran" (ugh!)
21-15-9 of:
     - Thrusters (55 lb. i.e. the most I've ever done)
     - Assisted Pull-Ups (40 lb. assist)
TIME = 11:38. Terrible, and I cried half way through it. Today sucked... Oh, but wait, there's more!

* 25 Russian Twists on incline bench (10 lb. ball)
* 25 weighted sit-ups on incline bench (10 lb. ball)
* 25 sit-ups
* 236 jumprope
* 10 push-ups
* 8 rounds tabata on treadmill
     - 30 on/30 off at 6 mph and incline of 10)  <---- ROUGH!

To update on yesterday, I ate the heck out of my sunbutter and it is now gone. I took a nap in the middle of the evening, and therefore could not go to bed at a decent time, and I woke up crabby. Happy Thursday :)  In the midst of not sleeping, I watched some CrossFit youtube videos and found one about a girl who used to be overweight and smoked. I thought she was quite inspirational, and what stuck out the most was how she talked about food. "Food is fuel". Too often I forget that concept and instead eat food as comfort or some other adjective. She also talked about really thinking about how food affects our bodies. What looks good and tastes incredible now may mean trouble in the next 2 hours or 2 days. I need to remember to be in tune with my body and what it's telling me!

Today I feel exhausted and inadequate. That last part sounds terrible, but it's true. I've put on the "fake it til' you make it" hat everyday at work, and I'm just tired of not feeling capable of doing my job well. I hate feeling ill prepared or not mentally available for my TAs and students. I know it will get better, but I would really love for my to do list to just be clear for once. At least the one that's related to school. I hope this attitude changes because it sucks.

Today's Planned Meals (some already consumed haha):
Breakfast: Carnitas (1 oz. meat) Omelette (2 eggs + some egg white), zucchini, handful grapes, 1/2 banana and 4 oz. coconut water (recovery), coffee w/ coconut milk
Lunch: 3 oz. carnitas meat, 1/3 c. guacamole w/ 5 jicama slices, 1/2 banana, slice of chocolate zucchini bread, and chocolate avocado pudding. Holy moly, that pudding is THE BOMB!!  Obviously I wasn't really observing my "food is fuel" mantra at lunch...
Snack: ???
Dinner: 3 oz. chicken thigh, 3/4 c. spaghetti squash, ???
Snack (Dessert): MORE PUDDING!

Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 10: Push It Real Good

Today's workout:
* 5 min. stairclimber (levels 15, 17, 19, 20)

* 50 pushups (did unbroken!)
* 50 squats
* 50 KB swings (35 lb.)
* 50 lunges
   - w/ 3 burpees EMOM
TIME: 4:56 :)

* 2 x 25 of (w/ big exercise ball):
     - Ball Rolls
     - Leg Raises
*2 x 26 of:
     - One Leg Ups
     - Russian Twists
* 15 min. treadmill push
     - Sprints on min. 4-5, 9-10, 14-15

Well, I woke up this morning extremely bloated. I'm not exactly sure why, but if it has something to do with the jicama I ate, I'm going to be so disappointed. That was my replacement for chips to have with my homemade guacamole. If all else fails, I'll just try to eat it early enough into the evening that I don't wake up bloated the next day? Or I guess I could find an alternative to my alternative...

Today was my first (technically 3rd, I guess, but 1st w/ Trainer Eric there) day without my pre-workout supplement. I have decided to stop taking it, because upon inspection of the ingredients, I saw that artificial flavors were included. It's kind of silly for me to make such an effort to cut those out of the foods I consume on a daily basis yet still subject my body to them every morning before I workout. Instead of taking a pre-workout supplement, I just get up earlier (4:15ish?) so my body has time to wake up too. Even though I wasn't as peppy as I normally am in the mornings, I still busted my tail, and it was kind of nice to know that it was just "me" doing it (rather than me and some fake energy)... Sorry, purple crack. You were good while you lasted, but I'm better off without you.

I don't really have much else to blog about today. I should probably go shower so I can get to work early, but that never sounds like fun :) Before I go...
Today's Planned Meals:
*Breakfast: Protein shake (1 scoop protein, 1 banana ,1/3 c. berries, handful spinach), 1 c. sauteed squash and mushrooms w/ garlic
*Lunch: Salad "Feed Bag" (2 c. spinach, cherry tomatoes, jicama strips, cucumber, cilantro, 2.6 oz. tuna, 2 T. salsa), handful grapes
*Snack: grapes, turkey lunch meat
*Dinner: 3 oz. pork & chicken carnitas w/ bell pepper and onion, jicama slices, 1/4 c. guacamole
*Snack: 1 slice chocolate zucchini bread :)

Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 9: Be Prepared (as sung in The Lion King)

Today's Workout:
* 5 minutes elliptical (level 15)
* 5 rounds for time:
     - 200 m. run
     - 8 box jumps
     - 16 pistols (8/8) (used TRX band for assistance)
     - 25 back extensions
Time: 17'31"

Well, I got some crazy cravings yesterday. It's a good thing I have practically nothing unhealthy in this house, because it would have been consumed yesterday. Instead I tried to fill the void with things like raisins, straight jam (that dang jam again!), raw egg noodles (um, gross), and 100% dark chocolate (gag). After none of that worked, and why I thought it would I have no idea, I went to bed. At 7. And then I woke up at 9 to brush my teeth and wash my face. Yesterday wasn't the best food day by any means, but I suppose it could have been worse.

As the name of the post states, I am going to "be prepared" this week. For me, that means meal planning and having the necessary foods at hand to snack on when needed. I'm hoping this will combat those incurable cravings I get. So, I went grocery shopping today and bought lots of veggies and some fruits on which to snack. Unlike every other time I go grocery shopping, I came home and immediately cut up all the veggies so they'll be ready to cook or eat raw! I also made a delightful dinner and dessert, and what's more, I didn't eat the entire dessert at once! Woo hoo! I'm not holding my breath, but I am certainly hoping this preparedness will only aid in my success this week :) Here's to hoping!

Today's Planned Meals (i.e. this is what I ate today):
Breakfast: Protein Shake (1 scoop protein, 3/4 c. blueberries, 1/2 c. coconut water, spinach, walnut oil), 1 c. broccoli, coffee w/ coconut milk
Lunch: 2 eggs + 1 egg white w/ onions and mushrooms, 1 c. broccoli w/ green salsa, 1/2 apple, 1 banana (a little too much fruit, IMO)
Snack: Chocolate Coconut Larabar (I couldn't resist!), 1/2 apple, 3 t. sunflower seed butter (uh oh haha)
Dinner: 3 oz. dijon mustard glazed chicken thigh, 3/4 c. spaghetti squash, 3/4 c. broccoli, handful grapes
Snack (dessert): 2 slices PaleOMG Chocolate Zucchini Bread, 3 jicama slices, taste of guacamole

My goal was to stop eating at 7, but I ate the jicama and guac. when I made it around 7:45. Perhaps I'll be more successful tomorrow. Regardless, I had a pretty rockin' eating day :)

Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 8: Charlie Horse and Labor Day

Today's Workout:
This isn't set in stone, but I'm thinking (thanks to Crossfit 405):
3 rounds for time:
* 20 push-press
* 20 hand release pushups
* 20 pull-ups

Well, I found some pecans. That was bad news. After like 5 handfuls, they are now in the trash. I wish I didn't get crazy with good tasting things that I can have in moderation. Also, I went out last night, and I shouldn't have done that either. It's hard living alone, because it's either sit on my butt and hang out with my dogs, and go out and be social (and usually drink) with friends. Pretty sure the drinking is doing nothing for this "Operation: Halloween" journey. Especially when I come home and eat the house again... Ugh. I'm not going to put what I ate this time, because frankly I don't have to, but I wrote it all down in my food journal, so it's still haunting me. That was quite the sentence. Also, I think I need to cool it on the alcohol consumption because I've been waking up with charlie horses in my calves in the middle of the night. I think the combination of lack of post work out stretching and lack of water when drinking causes that. They hurt so bad!

Today's Planned Meals:
Nothing is really planned, as today is a holiday, and honestly I just haven't really thought about it. I think I should plan this week's meals so I'm setting myself up for success...

Well, that's all for this boring post. Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 7: Down with the Sickness

Today's workout (for time):
STRENGTH (not timed):
* 3x5 HSPU
21-15-9-5-3 of the following:
* box jumps (3rd tallest)
* KB swings (45 lb.)
* TRX pull-ups
* Sit Ups
TIME = 12'49"72

Before we get into today, let's revisit yesterday. Because I have this lovely food journal, I made rather wise/good food choices yesterday. I had tilapia, homemade fruit salad, and 1/2 avocado w/ tomatoes and green salsa for lunch, HB egg, slice of turkey, 1/2 apple, and some spaghetti squash for snack, and scrambled eggs (2 eggs + 1 egg white) w/ mushrooms and onions, 1/2 bag of tuscan veggie blend, and fruit salad for dinner. And then I had a Zone protein bar before going out, which wasn't the best choice, but it was better than a candy bar (I think). Even though I'm under the weather, I still wanted to go to the Loony Bin Comedy Club with friends. I kept a running list of my drinks for the evening, and that was somewhat depressing. The non depressing part, however, was that I came home and DID NOT EAT ANYTHING! It's a miracle! I am so stinkin' proud of myself for just coming home, putting some laundry away, and going to bed :) Oh, and the comedian(ne)s  last night were so funny! It was a good way to spend the evening. I just hope I'm not under the weather next time.

Well, as the title and above paragraph mention, I'm sick. So the fact that I even got my butt out of bed to workout this morning (after getting to bed at 3) deserves some applause. I didn't workout yesterday because I knew I was coming down with something, and during the WOD it felt like I was breaking a fever every 2 minutes. Sweaty but hot sweaty. Not workout sweaty. Those of you who work out know what I mean :) So yay for a good sickly sweaty workout that took less than an hour from warm-up to finish!

Today's Planned Meals:
I really haven't thought this far ahead because it's the weekend, but the following sound good:

Breakfast: Protein Shake (1 scoop protein, 1/2 c. frozen fruit, 1/2 banana, handful spinach, walnut oil? (protein, carbs, and good fat)), 1/2 banana (for recovery), and 1/2 bell pepper (carbs). Not sure if the oil will taste good at all in the smoothie, but I don't want to eat 1/2 avocado this morning, and I don't have any almonds these days...

Lunch: 3 oz. chicken or 4 oz. tilapia (protein), 1 c. steamed veggies (carbs), 2/3 c. fruit salad (carbs), 1/2 avocado w/ tomatoes and green salsa (good fat and carbs).

Snack: Applegate Farms sliced turkey (1 oz.ish), 1/2 c. steamed veggies w/ OO (carbs and good fat)

Dinner: ???? Hopefully something healthy/smart.

Well, now I have to go mow. Yeah, this is gonna feel real good for my head cold.
Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 6: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Today's workout:
(I may take my dog for a walk to get some activity, but we'll see...)

The Good:
I got chicken hibachi and veggies for lunch. It came with rice but I got double veggies instead. The combo. came in a teriyaki sauce, which I requested on the side, but the restaurant could not oblige. I should have gone back through the menu and ordered sashimi or something, but at the time I didn't think about it. During lunch I was offered sweet potato fries, and while sweet potatoes are somewhat "paleo", fries fried in some sort of vegetable oil really don't cut it. I had 1 fry. It tasted like a funnel cake. Normally I would have kept going back for more, but I was good and ate my lunch and nothing else.

At dinner, I got my Sangria Swirl (The Bad?), but I had NO CHIPS, QUESO, OR TORTILLAS! Woo hoo! That is an achievement in itself if you ask me. Instead, I ate my salsa with a spoon like a weirdo, but it was still good. I got the steak/chicken combo. fajitas, and opted for veggies instead of rice and beans. I also asked them to not bring out the sour cream, cheese, and tortillas, and they didn't. It was a highly successful meal.

The Bad:
My best friend Lauren and I went out to Friday's (my current hangout) after dinner, and all 3 of our favorite bartenders were working! I got the usual tequila and club soda with a lime and she got her cranberry vodka. Well, then I had another. And then one of the bartenders left, and Cody, the bartender with an extremely heavy hand, made me a 3rd. I couldn't finish it because I was feeling pretty good at that point.

The Ugly (ugh, I hate this part, but I'm just trying to be totally honest with myself... heck, no one reads this anyway):
When I got home from Friday's, naturally I wanted to eat down the house. This is my first set back with trying to get fit, and reflecting on what I ate last night makes me sad/sick to my stomach. I should have known better when we went to Friday's and not drank as much because I always want to eat after I drink. So, now that I've put off the dreaded part of this post for long enough, this is what I ate when I got home: the rest of the fajitas (okay, not bad), 1/2 banana (could have been worse), 2 boxes of raisins (why 2? There's 90 cal. and 20 g. sugar right there!), coconut muffin with lots of jam (we had this discussion last night about that stupid jam), 1/3 bag blueberry muffin mix, in a mug microwaved with water (Wow...), and 5 T. sugar cookie mix, mixed w/ blueberry muffin batter mug mixture blah blah (SERIOUSLY?!). Okay, that list right there is FOUR lines long! That's the "auto pilot" I go into when I start eating crappy food. To stop myself from consuming the whole bags of mixes, I poured them down the drain and/or dumped them in the trash. While consuming them, my thoughts were how delicious they were but also how the blueberries were not even blueberries at all! Sneaky sneaky. I hate giving into silly/stupid cravings like that. It wasn't even worth it. It never is.

And here we are now. This morning, my stomach had a lot to say about what I consumed last night, and now I feel like crap. I was already starting to get that scratchy throat feeling last night, but that combined with eating what I did last night has left me feeling less than lovely. My goal today is to get some things on my To Do list done and then go to a comedy club with some girlfriends this evening. At this point, I plan on being the DD because I just don't feel like drinking. My body is probably getting sick. Bleh.

Today's Planned Meals:
Honestly, I have nothing planned for today. This has the potential of being very bad too, because not planning ahead for me usually means big slip ups. I hope today is different.

Oh yeah, it should be different because TODAY IS THE 1ST DAY I CAN USE THE FOOD JOURNAL MY NEW ROOMIE ALI MADE FOR ME!!! She made one for me, Lauren, Ali's sister Molly, and our friend Shellie. She was sooo thoughtful in how she made them, as she cut out inspirational quotes and pictures from fitness magazines and put them in each one of our journals. She made them from now until the end of the calendar year and then put a "2013 Goals" page at the end. I am thrilled, and knowing it came from someone else's kind heart really makes me want to keep up with it.

That's all for today. Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 5: It's Affirmation Friday!

Today's workout:
*Bike 2 miles (level 7)
*25 pushups
*Elliptical 1 mile (level 7)
*25 situps
*Run 1 mile (6.5--> 8.5 mph)
*25 air squats
*Stairclimber 20 floors (level 20)
TOTAL TIME: 30-32 minutes? I didn't keep track.

Whew, my body is EXHAUSTED! As much as I didn't like this workout (which, let's be honest, I don't really like any of the workouts. I LOVE the feeling after though!), it was a great one! I ran my mile in 9:01, which means I'm getting faster/my endurance is still increasing! I think I've earned my days off this weekend :)

So, yesterday's cravings were biscuits/muffins and cheese (again). I gave into swiss cheese, but looking at the ingredients, I know I could have done much worse. At the end of the day, I really wanted something sweet, so instead of just gorging myself with fruit (which is a healthier choice but high in fructose for that time of day...), I pulled out my Sugar Detox book and made some coconut muffins for the 1st time. My thoughts? They did their job to fill that craving for the most part. I found some of my parents strawberry jam and had that on the muffins, and while it wasn't good for me (high fructose corn syrup. ALWAYS check the labels), it was all I had at the time. It's times like those that I could have eaten myself silly with nuts, so I'm glad I got them out of the house. Oh, also for dinner I tried to use my Ziploc Steamer Bag to steam some frozen tilapia. Complete failure, and now my kitchen smells a bit fishy (gross). Thank goodness I had some Applegate Farms beef hot dogs (they are SO good. Definitely worth the extra money if you don't want to put nitrates and other gross fillers in your body like me) in the fridge because I was quite hungry. So hot dogs and spaghetti squash for dinner. It was okay. I'm sure I was more satiated than I realized... Gotta listen to my body more!

EXCITING NEWS ALERT!!!!!!  I LOST 5.5 LBS. THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!! I like to say, "I lost last weekend", because let's be real, I probably ate that much in SAD food last weekend. But who cares, it's gone now! I worked my butt off for that too!

(Boring menu part... skip to the end (if you're still reading))
Today's planned meals:
Breakfast: sausage and egg (proteins and fat) "biscuit" (1 oz. sausage, 1 egg, 1 coconut muffin = TOTALLY SATISFYING), 1 c. tuscan veggie blend (carbs), 1/2 scoop protein (for my 3rd block of protein), & 1 c. coconut water (recovery)
Lunch: Tropical Cafe for a co-workers birthday. My goal is to get chicken (protein) and steamed veggies (carbs) and maybe some avocado (good fat). We'll see if they can hook me up.
Snack (if necessary): HB egg, 1/2 apple or banana, avocado?
Dinner: Mama Rojas, hopefully. Planning on getting chicken fajitas sans tortillas, sour cream, and cheese. This will be my first real test w/ temptation (CHIPS AND QUESO. YUM), especially considering I'll be having a Sangria Swirl (and yes, I am fully aware that this is not within my way of eating, but it's Friday, and I had an awesome week!), but I have faith I can do it! ... and then who knows where the night will take us! Probably Friday's :)

I just have to say that I woke up this morning at 4:10 (and then snoozed until 4:30) feeling refreshed and all around awesome. For the first time in months, I wasn't upset with myself for what shape my body is in right now. While I still have a ways to go (and yes, I know I should be thankful I am the size I am, and I really am. I just know I can be better!), I am proud of myself :) So, there's my "affirmation friday" :)

Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 4: Spare Tire, anyone?

Today's workout:
* 10 min. treadmill push w/ 2 1 min. sprints (i.e. making the treadmill go w/o it being "on")
* 3 x 10 KB swings (45 lb.)
* 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 deadlift (same 45 lb. KB)
 - Between each KB set, do one of the following for 1 min.:
     * Frog Thrusters (3x)
     * Side to Side 10-12 inch. Jump
     * Forward/Backward Jump
     * Planks (2x)
     * Mountain Climbers
     * Russian Twists (no weight)
     * Run 200 m.
Total Time: about 25 min.

Before I get onto today's post, I have to be honest about last night. I got a little crazy with some cheese. LOL (but not really funny?). I made spaghetti squash with some ground turkey and organic pizza sauce (seriously delicious, btw) and thought I would just "treat" myself by adding some Parmesan cheese. Seriously, Megan? In the back of my mind, I knew this wasn't a good idea, because like I said, I get crazy with cheese. and almonds. and almond butter. and coconut butter. ...I digress. So I put some on my squash, and then I ate some out straight out of the container. And then some more. It's like I go into auto-pilot when it comes to cheese consumption. SO, before I ate the whole thing, I poured it out in the sink (and yes, it hurt my heart a bit) and threw it away. The same went for the shredded cheeses (sorry, mom and dad. I'll have to buy you some more?). They are now in the garbage. I woke up this morning and paid for last night's indulgence. This should serve as my reminder!!! So, no more cheese or nuts in this house.

This next part's gonna be boring (isn't this whole blog boring though?), so feel free to skip ahead.

Today's planned meals:
*Breakfast -- 1/2 banana (for recovery), 1 scoop protein, 1/2 c. frozen fruit (cherry blend), 3 T. coconut water (for recovery), and 1 1/2 c. steamed broccoli and red pepper (carbs) w/ olive oil (good fat).
*Lunch -- 3/4 c. spaghetti squash (carbs), 1/3 c. turkey sauce mixture (protein & carbs), handful of cherry tomatoes (carbs), 1/2 avocado (good fat)
*Snack -- 1 HB egg (protein), 1/2 apple (carbs), 1/2 avocado (good fat)
* Dinner -- 1 Tilapia filet, 1 c. steamed veggie w/ olive oil (carbs & good fat), 1/2 apple (carbs), and maybe some spinach w/ salsa (carbs)
*Snack (if necessary) -- 1 oz. turkey deli meat (protein), 1/2 c. blueberries (carbs), ???(good fat?)

Well, the title says it all. I have a spare tire about which I am not happy. I can contribute that to the copious amounts of carbs I consumed this summer. It makes me not want to wear the workout clothes I used to feel great in because those clothes hug the body (i.e. hug the tire). So, for the sake of losing a spare tire (and saddle bags and other areas about which I'm unsatisfied), I will keep trucking on through this transformation.

Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 3: Running and Jumping

Today's workout:
10 rounds of:
* Run 200 m. (.13 on the treadmill)
* 200 jumpropes

Yesterday's workout:
2 rounds for time:
* 50 meter overhead lunge (8 lb. medicine ball)
* 40 wall balls
* 30 toes to bar
* 20 overhead squats
* 10 HSPU
TIME: 16:05

My body is still sore from yesterday's workout, so going in this morning (and I was late. I HATE being late! Stupid alarm!) was hard enough. Add that crazy workout into the mix, and I am hurting. But I really gave it my all during the workout and did really well. I LOVE working out. I especially love sweating and feeling my workouts because that's when I know I'm really doing something.

This is day 1 of no nuts. I cut out almonds on Monday and took my pistachios into the gym this morning so they won't be tempting me. So far so good. I have been pretty solid eating right, and I've kept it Paleo. The only thing I have eaten today that wasn't Paleo was a slice of Swiss cheese with my turkey (protein) and coconut flakes (good fat) for my snack. I was craving cheese and chose that over the shredded cheese, which has lots of extras. So, I still feel good about today's eating. I had a small box of raisins at the end of the work day, which I know I'm supposed to have in moderation, but it was a much better choice than it could have been. My cravings tend to come often, but that's because my body is (HOPEFULLY!) transitioning from being a sugar burner to a fat burner. For example, last night I had this incredible craving for french toast or pancakes. I rarely eat these things, especially since cutting out grains. However, last night I convinced myself that one of those foods WILL be my first cheat meal. ...and then I started thinking about making my Paleo pancakes, so maybe that just goes to show my head is still in the right place even when clouded with thoughts of deliciously horrible foods :)

I guess that's all for this boring update. Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 2: Here we go

Let's first start with a little back story:

Beginning last November, I decided to take control of my health and join a gym. I began with all of the "typical" cardio-filled workouts that left a lot to be desired. I was strict with my calories, using "Lose It!" to track what calories I was putting into my body. Everything was going great because I was losing weight and felt "in control" of my health. However, upon further research and overall fatigue, I quickly discovered that to attain my goal weight, I was essentially starving myself. So, I stopped with the calorie counting and began doing CrossFit workouts (mainly functional movements and some adaptations) and eating more Paleo. I got down to a size 4 and 132 lbs (coming from a size 10 and 150+ lbs). I was on top of the world, and people were noticing the change! It felt incredible to finally feel fit, although it was hard to really picture myself at that weight/size. Now I somewhat know what it's like to have body dysmorphia (sp?) issues... In the smallest sense. I was now a size "small", yet I still saw myself as the old me.

Fast forward to now:

Sadly, over the course of the summer, which included too much SAD (standard American diet) binge eating and alcohol consumption, I am back to where I was. Even with continuing to work out 5-6 days a week, the food/drinking completely overtook my body. The clothes that once fit beautifully are now too tight or don't fit at all. On one hand, it's incredibly depressing to know I let myself get back to "this" after all of my hard work. On the other hand, I did it before, so I can certainly do it again. This time, however, I am committed to doing it right. I am not locked down to a certain weight (although I would like to lose 15-20 lbs. in a little over 60 days) because my main concern is how I feel and how my clothes fit. I want to decrease my body fat % and increase my muscle. I want to get quicker at my CrossFit WODs and continue to grow as an athlete and person. 

Day 1 went pretty well. But the 1st day always seems to be a breeze. I am trying to cut nuts out of my diet as they are too addicting and the Omega 6's (if that's what they're called) cause me to swell. I found my pistachios last night and had some of the those, but the effort it took to de-shell each nut slowed down how much of them I ate. I am on the fence as to whether or not I should get rid of those too... 

So, here's to Day 2. I am bound to have some struggles, but with the support of my friends and my personal commitment to get in shape (again), I know I can do this.

Thanks for reading.